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...Home ... Editorial ... Columns ..Column Story Saturday: April 5, 2014

 Kohut's Corner  
Kevin Kohut
Kevin Kohut

 Essential Tech Skills for Every IT Pro
Don't be "that" guy in your office! Here's how dabbling in other areas of IT can help ensure long-term career success (or at least make your coworkers like you more).
by Kevin Kohut  
6/5/2002 -- If you've read even a few of my columns, you know how strongly I believe that IT professionals need to know more than just technology. I have preached about how essential it is for techies to understand business processes, the importance of having true people skills and a host of other decidedly non-technical issues. But just because I focus so much on the business side of the equation doesn't mean there aren't issues on the technology side as well. So, for this installment of Kohut's IT Corner, we turn our attention to things technical -- basic skills that every IT professional should have, no matter your discipline.

Know How To Network
In today's ultra-connected world, finding a PC that is truly stand-alone is almost impossible. Yet I encounter so many IT professionals who are woefully inept when it comes to networks. "But Kevin," you say, "I am responsible for optimizing SQL queries and backing up databases. Why do I need to be a network guru?"

I'm not asking you to be a network guru, but get a handle on the basics. Anyone having anything to do with IT should know standard TCP/IP stuff, like what a subnet mask is, what DNS is used for and how to test network connectivity. You should also know the differences between a hub, switch and router, and understand how a firewall works. Throw in some WAN fundamentals, and you're on the right track.

It's also important to know how networking issues affect operating systems (or, more specifically, how operating systems affect networks). Here's a real-life example:

SQL DBA: "Hey Kevin, I think the network is down!"

ME: "Why do you think so?"

DBA: "I can only see three servers in Network Neighborhood -- the other five aren't showing up. I know it's highly unlikely that five servers would go down at once, so it must be a networking issue," the SQL DBA beamed with pride at his astute analysis.

ME: "Can you ping any of the five servers that aren't showing up?"

DBA: "I didn't try thatyeah! I can ping all of them."

ME: "Are you able to access the databases on those servers?"

DBA: "Uh, yeah. I've been in Query Analyzer all along."

Oh. I guess it's not a network issue after all.

Understand the Operating System
Or at least know what version you're running! I was on the phone with one of my client's contract developers. He was having trouble accessing my client's Web server through a software VPN client. In trying to narrow down his problem, I started asking the usual questions: what OS are you running, what service pack, what services are active, etc. From his answers it was obvious that he was quite clueless about his own development system.

If ignorance is frustrating, overconfident"know-it-all-ness" is downright dangerous. My skin tingles when I hear developers, DBAs and other tech-types tell me they're going to go into regedit to fix their problem, or when they ask me for a Windows CD so they can "reload some bad DLLs."

Again, I'm not looking for OS gurus here, just take some time to actually understand how your system works.

Not All Problems are Solved by Getting Another Software App (or Hardware Gadget)
At one of the dot coms I used to call home I had several guys working for me. It seemed that almost every time one of them encountered a problem that was a bit unusual, or whose solution was not readily apparent, the answer was to buy a new piece of software or hardware. "We need Visio so we can document our network and figure out where the problems are," or, "We should all get wireless PDAs so we can communicate better." Our office building had only three floors, and all my guys already had cell phones.

The problem, quite frankly, is that too many techies hide behind their gadgets -- rather than taking the time to properly diagnose and work through an issue, they expend their efforts cruising vendor Web sites and convincing themselves that if they only had the latest product they'd be so much better off.

Learn Office Already!
With the exception of help desk support staff who deal with end-user software application issues all the time, just about every IT professional I've had the pleasure of interacting with apparently knows precious little about Word, Excel and other apps beyond creating, printing and saving a document.

I was working on a how-to guide for one of our in-house applications and wanted input from some of the other technical analysts in the group. I used Word's tracking and routing features to facilitate the process. What is supposed to happen in this scenario is that one (count emONE) instance of the Word doc makes the rounds to everyone on the routing list. Each person makes whatever revisions are desired, and then sends it on to the next person on the list. After it gets to everyone, I get the one (count emONE) document back, with everyone's revisions clearly highlighted for me to accept or reject. I ended up with no fewer than seven separate versions of the file!

It's bad enough that IT professionals struggle with anything but the basic features of Office apps. But guess where many of the worst examples of Word and Excel documents that I've seen originatedyup, the Mecca of software itself, Microsoft! Many of the forms and related documents I get from Microsoft are created in Word or Excel. Rife with inconsistent formatting and a slew of other problems, these documents don't speak well for Bill's empire.

Talk to Me Like You Know Your Stuff
O.K., I admit that this one might be a little on the nit picky side, but it drives me nuts when people (especially IT pros) don't use correct terminology when discussing technology. If it's a switch, call it a switch. By calling it a hub you're telling me that I can look forward to increased network collisions.

And remember, the Internet standard for routing e-mail is the Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP), and the Internet standard for device management and monitoring is Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP). Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is a pretty easy way to mete out IP addresses, while Domain Name System (DNS) is how Internet devices figure out how to talk to other Internet devices. A BSOD is what happens when you mess with Windows system files, and BSD is a great (and also free) alternative to Linux.

With HP's latest merger (hey, we all know it's really an acquisition), this may not be important much longer, but listen up everyone! The company that makes most of the servers you see in data centers everywhere is pronounced com-pack, not com-pact. Link-sys (no "T") makes networking hardware; I have no idea what business Linksyst is in.

OK, I'll close out this harp session with one last tidbit of information: telnet is a two-syllable word that refers to a standard protocol used for remote access to systems. Please don't tell me you're going to tel-e-net. I just may issue my own Blue Screen of Death!

What general technical skills do you wish your coworkers had? Post your comments below!

Kevin Kohut has been involved with information technology in some form or another for over 18 years, and has a strong business management background as well. As a computer consultant Kevin has helped both small businesses and large corporations realize the benefits of applying technology to their business needs.


More articles by Kevin Kohut:

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There are 29 CertCities.com user Comments for “Essential Tech Skills for Every IT Pro”
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6/5/02: Anonymous says: One essential skill is missing from this article and apparently lacking in this author. We techies need to get over the "everyone else is stupid" game. This article, disguised as a presentation of "Essential Skills" really says "Stop being so stupid!"
6/6/02: Disappointed in Anonymous says: The message of this article doesn't say stop being so stupid as stop being arrogant. Just because 'we' (the royal we of techies) are experienced and knowledgable in one field or area, does not mean we should turn a blind eye to others. That is all Kevin is saying. While I am a Network Admin, I can hold my own in creating and formatting Word, Excel and Powerpoint documents, can build basic Access databases with forms, queries and reports. On top of that I can find my way around multiple flavors of Unix, Citrix and Cisco Routers, plus troubleshoot issues all the way down to board level failures. I can also talk 'programmer speak' and correctly use and identify all the common acronyms floating around. I am disappointed if a day goes by where I don't learn something new. I will certainly admit that the 'everyone is stupid' perception is a problem, and have even been guilty of that myself in the past, but your overly defensive reaction to this article suggests you may be guilty of this yourself more then you want to admit. I have to agree wholeheartedly with Kevin; if we are in a technical discipline, shame on us if we will not or can not pick up useful skills not strictly within our discipline and the vocabularly to communicate both effectively and accurately about technical issues.
6/6/02: Allen Ward says: I agree with you 100% What you are calling "essential skills" are quickly becoming "basic skills" that will be required by every technical resource... no matter how expert they are in their own niche!
6/6/02: Anonymous says: The point here is well taken. I would add at least one more skill that is perhaps even more important than people skills. That skill is proper grammer. Living in an era of instant communication doesn't relieve us of the responsibility to communicate well. Use some capitalization and punctuation. Do you know the difference between a contraction and a personal pronoun? Do you know what a contraction is? Come on people. If you can spend 14 days becoming an instant MCSE, you can spend a little time learning to write. Can't you?
6/7/02: that guy says: alrighty then.
6/8/02: Anonymous says: The word is "grammar."
6/13/02: Erikson Fsck says: There is always a difference between a 'newbie' that uses Windows ME and downloads games and movies all day, and an actual techie. Its the difference of walking the walk and talking the talk and on the other side just using a computer because its cool and acts like a playstation 2. I always tell my fellow techies or people getting into the biz, that you need to know; Unix, networking, and security. Everything will fall into place. Windows and MS Office does nothing for you, and a lot of the Windows people with networking skills have the theory, but can practically do anything without point and click.
6/13/02: A Thomas Dillard says: These are, indeed, essential skills, as is spelling. Although I hate Word with a passion, I use it because everybody else in the Org uses it. Just try to get somebody from IT to fill in the Property Sheet (the what?) so that you can track documents. Sure, we network guys can be nasty, but only when driven to it!!!!
6/13/02: Mike says: Hey Erikson, Guess what....You are guilty of another problem that should be on this list. It is called stereotyping! You state that you need to "know; Unix,networking, and security. Everything will fall into place. Windows and MS Office does nothing for you, and a lot of the Windows people with networking skills have the theory, but can practically do anything without point and click." I disagree. You sound like a person who is partial to *nix type OSes and anything Windows is for the technically retarded. I know many of the mostly "Windows type" people who can step right up on most platforms, and fix it after they "Cram it all in" drinking some coffe one night. People have the tendency to look at the other side and laugh. We are all IT, learn to live with it. Besides, fixing the "REAL" OS issues that lie within Windows are not for the faint of heart and take REAL Techies to fix it. To piggyback on your last sentence, I also know many *nix people who don't know anything besides the theory of networking. It's not that stupid people gravitate towards the Windows type OSes, it's that there is simply more demand for Windows experts. There is no doubt in my mind that it could have been the other way around. Think about it…
6/13/02: Craig says: There are two seemingly contradictory forces playing on our profession, as I see it. One one hand, the "techs" are required to understand a growing array of platforms and implementations. On the other hand, those same "techs" are required to communicate those skills to an increasing number of operators who aren't ever going to understand the magic behind, say TCP/IP routing. Don't belive me? Look at the job listings: Looking for MCSE, MCSD, CNE, CCIE, RHCE, with Oracle, UNIX, and Lantastic Network experience, should also be able to program Atari 2600s. At the same time, think about your clients, co-workers, and the receptionist at the front desk. Odds are, if they were "computer lit'ret" they wouldn't have you around anyway. Instead, they've learned just enough computer stuff to get them through the work week. Beyond that, they expect you to assimilate for them. After all, that's why you consume oxygen, right? Think this is something new? Guess again. Been this way since Grace Hopper compiled code on the UNIVAC.
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